Being a fresher, I'm waiting for a call from my company. Meanwhile, I thought I could develop my skills, be it reading for certification exam or develop my inter-personal skills or develop a hobby like origami, or even improve my memory(ppl who know me better know that I'm not very good at remembering)... So, just startted exploring ways of doing it. And I'm keeping a note of what I do. Just 2 days back, I went to British Council library and got a book to improve my memory.. It is awesome, it is working and I can already feel the difference... So, just thought I could share some of my experiences and techniques with you...
The first thing I learnt is every human brain is capable of remembering everything, if we train it to do so. As most of you people must be knowing, the left side of the cortex processes the following:
Similarly, the right side of the cortex processes the following mental functions:
spatial awareness
Gestalt(whole picture)
So, it seems that the left side of the brain is actively involved in memory. For those of you who believe that, it's the wrong point. A person can remember much more if we train the left and right side of the brain to work together.
The two underlying principles for an extended and a perfect memory are:
Simple, isn't it... In the further posts, I'll write about some of the techniques about improving memory. Till then keep imagining (in the wildest way possible) and keep associating
There’s no blood ,There’s no alibi I'll face myself To cross out what i’ve become Erase myself And let go of what i’ve done
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Father's day celebration

Father's Day is a celebration inaugurated in the early twentieth century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fatherhood and male parenting, and to honor and commemorate fathers and forefathers. Father's Day is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide and typically involves gift-giving, special dinners to fathers, and family-oriented activities.
The first observance of Father's Day is believed to have been held on July 5, 1908 in a church located in Fairmont, West Virginia, by Dr. Robert Webb of West Virginia at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South of Fairmont. The church still exists under the name of Central United Methodist Church.
Sonora Smart Dodd of Washington thought independently of the holiday one Sunday in 1909 while listening to a Mother's Day sermon at the Central Methodist Episcopal Church at Spokane, and she arranged a tribute for her father on June 19, 1910. She was the first to solicit the idea of having an official Father's Day observance to honor all fathers.
A bill was introduced in 1913, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea in 1924, and a national committee was formed in the 1930s by trade groups in order to legitimize the holiday. Then in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.President Richard Nixon signed the law which finally made it permanent in 1972.
The officially recognized date of Father's Day varies from country to country.
Father is an important part in everyone's life. He has equal share in nurturing his children. Since he is generally the head of the household and the bread earner of the family, he is loaded with a number of responsibilities, right from nourishment of the kids to their health, education and finance. He would try hard to fulfill all the dreams (even the craziest one) of his family, by putting his own desires on hold. He truly deserves a day specially dedicated to him, so that he is made to realize how important he is in everyone's life in the family. Here comes the importance of Father's Day, which is a day set apart for saluting the supreme role of fatherhood. Not a religious occasion though, a number of traditions are prevalent in the countries celebrating the day. Given below are some of the most popular traditions for Father's Day.
You probably heard about ZenniOptical by now. In case you didn't you should know that they sell eyeglass frames starting from $8. I didn't make any errors while typing. The frames really sell for $8 or more. They now have a huge selection of eye eyeglasses.This one really is nice. The frame is made from metal and it comes with magnetic snap-on sun lenses.There was a article in new york times which discuss about this eye glasses. But be sure to $ 8 Rx eyeglasses ask about the warranty on your lenses and on any additional coatings you’ve opted for, suggests Victor Hernandez, an optician in Falls Church, Va. Scratch-resistant coatings and shatter-resistant polycarbonate lenses, for instance, are typically covered for a year.
You probably know I'm a boy and you must be thinking "He wants red frames ?".
Well, NO. These come is several colors including silver / black with dark grey clip-on, grey / blue with dark grey clip-on and many more. You can see a full list of colors.
I know that sometimes it confuses you why I am wearing an eyeglass. I am wearing an eyeglass because I am near-sighted. I cannot see that far. If you see me without wearing any eyeglasses, do not expect Zenni Optical on TV!!! me to approach you. I do not know why I have this problem. I was already near-sighted before I started blogging.
Now, I have a new eyeglass. I have known that I should wear my eyeglass more often to prevent my near-sightedness to get worse. I do not want to spend that much for my eyeglass so I cut my spending off by just looking for cheap with cool designs and then just change the lenses that are fit for my eyes. While I was searching for unique eyeglass designs, there was that sells cheap eyeglasses for as low as $8 with extra added features. I cannot help but blog about this since this is very important for a blogger’s health. Taking care of our eyes is very important. Also, most members of my family wear eyeglasses. I can get them involved in searching for the best eyeglasses at High Five to Zenni Optical . Their products meet our goals because it’s cheap and yet of very high quality. My family would never regret buying eyeglasses from them.
So, does the geek in you like these frames ? Just in case you don't keep in mind you need to change your glasses. Take a look at Zenni's huge selection of frames, choose one you like and maybe you'll get so lucky to speak with a real girl
You probably know I'm a boy and you must be thinking "He wants red frames ?".
Well, NO. These come is several colors including silver / black with dark grey clip-on, grey / blue with dark grey clip-on and many more. You can see a full list of colors.
I know that sometimes it confuses you why I am wearing an eyeglass. I am wearing an eyeglass because I am near-sighted. I cannot see that far. If you see me without wearing any eyeglasses, do not expect Zenni Optical on TV!!! me to approach you. I do not know why I have this problem. I was already near-sighted before I started blogging.
Now, I have a new eyeglass. I have known that I should wear my eyeglass more often to prevent my near-sightedness to get worse. I do not want to spend that much for my eyeglass so I cut my spending off by just looking for cheap with cool designs and then just change the lenses that are fit for my eyes. While I was searching for unique eyeglass designs, there was that sells cheap eyeglasses for as low as $8 with extra added features. I cannot help but blog about this since this is very important for a blogger’s health. Taking care of our eyes is very important. Also, most members of my family wear eyeglasses. I can get them involved in searching for the best eyeglasses at High Five to Zenni Optical . Their products meet our goals because it’s cheap and yet of very high quality. My family would never regret buying eyeglasses from them.
So, does the geek in you like these frames ? Just in case you don't keep in mind you need to change your glasses. Take a look at Zenni's huge selection of frames, choose one you like and maybe you'll get so lucky to speak with a real girl
Friday, July 24, 2009

The tradition of Maslenitsa takes its roots in pagan times, when the Russian folks would bid farewell to stark winter and welcome long-awaited spring with mouth-watering pancakes, as round, yellow and hot, as the Sun itself, as well as with games, songs, dances and burning down the Winter effigy. The rites of this holiday are in this or that way associated with the send-off of winter and welcoming of spring. Maslenitsa is celebrated during the last week before the Lent, that is seven weeks prior to the Easter.
Until christening of Russia, Maslenitsa was celebrated on the vernal equinox day. The Orthodox Church, however, timed this holiday to the Lent, in order not to oppose the traditions of the Russian people (in a similar way, Christmas was timed to the winter equinox day).
Maslenitsa is amusing and mischievous welcoming of spring, which brings about enlivening of nature and bounty of sunny warmth. From times immemorial people took spring for the beginning of new life and venerated the Sun as giving life and energy to the whole creation. It was in honour of the Sun that they baked flat cakes, and after leavened dough came into use, they started baking pancakes.
Russian ancestors believed that when eating the round and hot pancakes reminding of the Sun they took in a bit of the warmth and might of the star of day.
The name of the holiday, Maslenitsa (derived from maslo, which means butter or oil in Russian) obviously owes its existence to the tradition of baking pancakes. With the help of pancakes people tried to evoke the grace of the Sun and induce it to better warming of the frozen earth. Thus, they baked those encouraging little suns of pancakes.
Besides, it was a custom in Russian villages to do various actions associated with a circle, such as, for example, going on horseback around the settlement several times, decorating a cart wheel and carrying it on a pole along the streets, and dancing the round dance (khorovod). Such ceremonies were believed to butter the Sun, cajole it and make it kinder. Hence is the name Maslenitsa.
Every day of Maslenitsa (Pancake Week) has its own name and needs certain rites.
Monday is welcoming. By this day they finished building ice-hills, seesaws and show booths. The rich already started baking pancakes. The first pancake was traditionally given to a beggar in remembrance of the dead.
Tuesday is playing. From the very morning the young were invited to chute ice-hills and eat pancakes. People would invite the kinsfolk and friends with the words: "We've got the ice-hills ready and pancakes baked , please, come and try.
Wednesday is regaling. On this day the son-in-law would pay a visit to the mother-in-law's pancakes. Besides her daughter's husband the mother-in-law would invite other guests as well.
Thursday is merry-making. From this day on Maslenitsa unfolded to its full extent. The folks indulged in all kinds of entertainments, such as ice-hills, shows, seesaws, horse-riding, carnivals, fist fights and carousals, for sure.
Friday is mother-in-law's party. Now it was the turn of the sons-in-law to invite their mothers-in-law and treat them with pancakes.
Saturday is sister-in-law's party. Young wives would invite their sisters-in-law for a feast. The newlywed was supposed to give presents to her husband's sisters.
The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday, when everyone asks each other's forgiveness to be freed from sins before the Lent. In response they hear the traditional "God will forgive".
On the last day of Maslenitsa they burn down a straw effigy symbolizing winter. Thus they are sending-off winter till the next year.
Women willing to eat chocolate for a year

The researchers at the University of East Anglia and a hospital in Norwich, eastern England are trying to find out whether chocolate can cut the risk of heart disease and need 40 women to step forward and help.
Most of the women will have to eat two bars of "super-strength chocolate specially formulated by Belgian chocolatiers" daily for one year and undergo several tests to measure how healthy their hearts are.
The others will have to eat regular chocolate as a placebo.
One possible catch, for chocolate fans spotting an opportunity: volunteers for the research should be menopausal but aged under 75 and have type two diabetes.
The study coordinator Peter Curtis said: "A successful outcome could be the first step in developing new ways to improve the lives of people at increased risk of heart disease."
All of us know that addicted to anything, mainly drugs and alcohol isn’t good for our life and we must take serious action to handle the addiction so we can have a better life in the future. If someone you know having problem drug rehab center with addiction, you should suggest the addicted person to follow a drug rehab program as soon as possible so he or she will get free from drug addiction problem.
One of the best and successful drug rehab center in the country is Narconon Freedom Center. They have Eight Drug Rehab Centers Program Courses to choose such as “Therapeutic Training Routines”, “New Life Detoxification”, “Learning Improvement”, “Communication and Perception”, “Ups and Downs in Life“, “Personal Values and Integrity”, “Changing Conditions in Life“ and “Way to Happiness“. By following one, some or entire course,drug treatment program many peoples already free from drugs addiction matters and have a better life and acceptance by their neighbors hood either by local community.
They have drug rehab center in some states such as Michigan Drug Rehab, Illinois drug rehab, Rhode Island Drug Rehab, Indiana Drug Rehab, Ohio Drug Rehab, Wisconsin Drug Rehab, Pennsylvania Drug Rehab, New Jersey Drug Rehab, Delaware Drug Rehab, Maryland Drug Rehab, New York Drug Rehab, Virginia Drug Rehab and West Virginia Drug Rehab.
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One of the best and successful drug rehab center in the country is Narconon Freedom Center. They have Eight Drug Rehab Centers Program Courses to choose such as “Therapeutic Training Routines”, “New Life Detoxification”, “Learning Improvement”, “Communication and Perception”, “Ups and Downs in Life“, “Personal Values and Integrity”, “Changing Conditions in Life“ and “Way to Happiness“. By following one, some or entire course,drug treatment program many peoples already free from drugs addiction matters and have a better life and acceptance by their neighbors hood either by local community.
They have drug rehab center in some states such as Michigan Drug Rehab, Illinois drug rehab, Rhode Island Drug Rehab, Indiana Drug Rehab, Ohio Drug Rehab, Wisconsin Drug Rehab, Pennsylvania Drug Rehab, New Jersey Drug Rehab, Delaware Drug Rehab, Maryland Drug Rehab, New York Drug Rehab, Virginia Drug Rehab and West Virginia Drug Rehab.
For more information about drug rehabilitation Narconon Freedom Center, Most Successful Drug Rehab Program in the Country feels free to visit their website that can be found on
Sunday, July 5, 2009
All I could see when I opened my eyes were shaded with brown. I was sleeping and all that I knew was that I was sleeping for long. I was sleeping at the bottom-most berth of the tube which was travelling at the speed of sound as I went deaf for long. Through the windows of the tube, I could again see the brown coloured mud-mountains with patches of greenery on it. Time and again the tube passed through tunnels and I was searching for the light at the end of the tunnel. Once the light came, everything was back to brown. I went to the washroom, washed my eyes and checked if I was wearing any coloured lens and found that I wasn't. I didn't know where this journey was taking, but, the fact remains that I am a fugitive on the run. I know I will be caught sooner or later, but, I prefer to happy on the run knowing the fact that sadness is all I can have when it is all over. I remembered someone saying, "A fugitive on the run enjoys every moment of his freedom, because every moment ends on a happy note".
A co-passenger in the tube asked me what am I upto? For which I had no answer. All I came to know from the conversation was that I am alive and I am in the real-time world fighting inorder to survive. Time passed by looking out of the window at the browned-greenery, the villages that sped past until it became dark. I was still in the retrospective mood thinking about what led me to break the prison, what led me to this journey and I couldn't reason much with the unreasonable. As my only reason was freedom. As love is the root cause of every operation in this world, it must be my love for someone or something. With no hopes in heart and unknown miles to travel, I reached a tubewell next day afternoon. It was a bigger tubewell than the ones I have been to. It welcomed me with a warm, sunny reception with guards standing all over to check the logistics movement. With terrorism all around, humans are nowadays considered in the category of goods as the intrinsic value of a human life is degrading day by day. None identified me, as this part of the world had more serious issues to deal with than snooping behind a fugitive.
Wagging my way through, I reached a defunct chariot station. All luck taking over, I boarded some chariot with a huge capacity and the co-charioteers said that this chariot takes us to a place where heaven and hell meets. Who cares I thought. I am coming from hell and anyplace would definitely be better. After a rickety ride for an hour I got down at the tall-building side of this heaven-hell. There were fly-overs of the modern world, there were buildings of ancient world too. There were palaces, there were other chariots of all shapes and sizes, of all designs and comforts. This place took my breath away and suddenly I received a call from a number. I answered with a hello and the other side was a sweet voice, "Nautilus, walk straight down the road and take the black chariot. We are waiting inside". I was shell-shocked. Who on earth would know that I am here? And who is this "We"? Picking up my back-pack with all my courage I made my way through to the black chariot that was waiting for me. I knocked on the door and yes my co-charioteers were right. I was in heaven. Angels live in heaven. God had sent the twin angels to take care of me, to hide me from the unscrupulous world. They said. "Oh Nautilus brother! Get in. It is getting late. Now that you are here, we all will have a nice time". With no second thoughts I got in. Zoom it went.
After some 15 minutes, I reached a palace. They took me in and introduced me to the mother of the angels and the formalities continued. They asked me, How am I doing and how is my health? I did answer it like a 8th standard schoolboy, but, I was confused if they knew the truth. I didn't know if I had to tell them or not. Then it struck me. They are the sons and daughters of God and definitely they would know about me. I was taken to the special room of the palace. A room where they worship him and I was overwhelmed at their gesture. Offering his room to me was like telling, "Son, I trust you, no matter how bad you are".
Three days I was with them. It was a dream. The time that we spent, the conversations that we had, the food that we ate, the time when we roamed, the dosa that we had. Everything is still fresh in my mind. When the time was over and my nomadic destination changed, I had tears in my eyes when I was travelling back in another charoit to the tubewell. The next destination is not far away, but, nothing would be as great as that, with them in it.
No matter how much ever you run, you are caught in the last.
A co-passenger in the tube asked me what am I upto? For which I had no answer. All I came to know from the conversation was that I am alive and I am in the real-time world fighting inorder to survive. Time passed by looking out of the window at the browned-greenery, the villages that sped past until it became dark. I was still in the retrospective mood thinking about what led me to break the prison, what led me to this journey and I couldn't reason much with the unreasonable. As my only reason was freedom. As love is the root cause of every operation in this world, it must be my love for someone or something. With no hopes in heart and unknown miles to travel, I reached a tubewell next day afternoon. It was a bigger tubewell than the ones I have been to. It welcomed me with a warm, sunny reception with guards standing all over to check the logistics movement. With terrorism all around, humans are nowadays considered in the category of goods as the intrinsic value of a human life is degrading day by day. None identified me, as this part of the world had more serious issues to deal with than snooping behind a fugitive.
Wagging my way through, I reached a defunct chariot station. All luck taking over, I boarded some chariot with a huge capacity and the co-charioteers said that this chariot takes us to a place where heaven and hell meets. Who cares I thought. I am coming from hell and anyplace would definitely be better. After a rickety ride for an hour I got down at the tall-building side of this heaven-hell. There were fly-overs of the modern world, there were buildings of ancient world too. There were palaces, there were other chariots of all shapes and sizes, of all designs and comforts. This place took my breath away and suddenly I received a call from a number. I answered with a hello and the other side was a sweet voice, "Nautilus, walk straight down the road and take the black chariot. We are waiting inside". I was shell-shocked. Who on earth would know that I am here? And who is this "We"? Picking up my back-pack with all my courage I made my way through to the black chariot that was waiting for me. I knocked on the door and yes my co-charioteers were right. I was in heaven. Angels live in heaven. God had sent the twin angels to take care of me, to hide me from the unscrupulous world. They said. "Oh Nautilus brother! Get in. It is getting late. Now that you are here, we all will have a nice time". With no second thoughts I got in. Zoom it went.
After some 15 minutes, I reached a palace. They took me in and introduced me to the mother of the angels and the formalities continued. They asked me, How am I doing and how is my health? I did answer it like a 8th standard schoolboy, but, I was confused if they knew the truth. I didn't know if I had to tell them or not. Then it struck me. They are the sons and daughters of God and definitely they would know about me. I was taken to the special room of the palace. A room where they worship him and I was overwhelmed at their gesture. Offering his room to me was like telling, "Son, I trust you, no matter how bad you are".
Three days I was with them. It was a dream. The time that we spent, the conversations that we had, the food that we ate, the time when we roamed, the dosa that we had. Everything is still fresh in my mind. When the time was over and my nomadic destination changed, I had tears in my eyes when I was travelling back in another charoit to the tubewell. The next destination is not far away, but, nothing would be as great as that, with them in it.
No matter how much ever you run, you are caught in the last.
London restaurent
Taking a trip soon? Dublin? London? Bordeaux? Anywhere in Europe? Where to eat? What to do? Then QYPE’s for you – try it at restaurants Cheap air fares means going to London is like taking the bus. Now that you’ve done all the regular tourist places why not do something different, like taking a thrilling RIB run on the Thames. Check it out at France is one of the most popular destinations for Irish holidaymakers. Going there this summer? Where to eat in Bordeaux? Just type in the city you want and hey presto you got all the restaurants conveniently listed in the areas in the city, such as the Old Quarter.The site is like a compass, it’s easy to navigate and use. With a click of a button, the world will be around you with information at your finger tips. And the results are all fantastic.
Qype is becoming the world popular site for travelers, job seekers, shoppers, holiday makers, business personalities seeking for markets, explorers and students looking for best and quality colleges and Universities across the globe.
From popular pizza restaurants in London to first class toy shops in Rio de Janeiro, Qype brings millions of people together online in seeking for best and secure places to be, anywhere and anytime across the world.
With Qype you can build a network of friends and foes. You can swap tips and recommendations, share personalized guides, photos and videos in a blink of an eye.
For professionals especially travel Journalists with an urge for exploring in-depth information about places and building networks Qype should be the best site to visit.
Wherever you are and whatever you are looking for, Qype also puts millions of reviews from real people restaurants london across the globe at your fingertips. Be it that hotel you are planning to book, that restaurant you have been dying to visit or that dream town you have wanted to be for a life time holiday, latest reviews from these professionals will take you at the right place and at the right time.
And for people looking for information on hot events such as the World Cup 2010 in South and Notting Hill Carnival in London, Qype should be their site to visit
Did it come up in French? No bother. QYPE is multi-lingual – just change to Anglais.
Going further? Vienna, Athens, Copenhagen..many more... are covered..restaurants and entertainments pubs london reviewed by the punters..check it out before you go or when you’re on the road They have community managers, drinking nights in pubs, free T-shirts. It's all very familiar. But they've also got other stuff like tag function, doing reviews with a youtube clip and linking to flickr.
I think if Yelp ever goes international they should just buy up Qype.
QYPE – don't leave home without QYPEing.....
Qype is becoming the world popular site for travelers, job seekers, shoppers, holiday makers, business personalities seeking for markets, explorers and students looking for best and quality colleges and Universities across the globe.
From popular pizza restaurants in London to first class toy shops in Rio de Janeiro, Qype brings millions of people together online in seeking for best and secure places to be, anywhere and anytime across the world.
With Qype you can build a network of friends and foes. You can swap tips and recommendations, share personalized guides, photos and videos in a blink of an eye.
For professionals especially travel Journalists with an urge for exploring in-depth information about places and building networks Qype should be the best site to visit.
Wherever you are and whatever you are looking for, Qype also puts millions of reviews from real people restaurants london across the globe at your fingertips. Be it that hotel you are planning to book, that restaurant you have been dying to visit or that dream town you have wanted to be for a life time holiday, latest reviews from these professionals will take you at the right place and at the right time.
And for people looking for information on hot events such as the World Cup 2010 in South and Notting Hill Carnival in London, Qype should be their site to visit
Did it come up in French? No bother. QYPE is multi-lingual – just change to Anglais.
Going further? Vienna, Athens, Copenhagen..many more... are covered..restaurants and entertainments pubs london reviewed by the punters..check it out before you go or when you’re on the road They have community managers, drinking nights in pubs, free T-shirts. It's all very familiar. But they've also got other stuff like tag function, doing reviews with a youtube clip and linking to flickr.
I think if Yelp ever goes international they should just buy up Qype.
QYPE – don't leave home without QYPEing.....
Friday, July 3, 2009
The sound of water

It is so dark now that Raimoti can barely discern the features of the strange creature that was once a sturdy young man. He tries to get closer to the dim form, but it hears him and lops off. . . Ahead is a black lake, and the creature is hunched over the edge. He glares back at Raimoti and swiftly slips into the still waters. There are no ripples. . . Suddenly, the level of the lake rises so rapidly that he leaps back. The cavern echoes with manic laughter, and a watery shape gushes out to lunge at him.
No, that's not Gollum. It is the Beast of the mines, a furious, subterranean wraith that haunts the imagination of Raimoti, an old, experienced miner and part-time mystic. The Beast is the one thing that plagues the otherwise ethereal Raimoti: it is the fear all miners share as they daily enter their dangerous workplace. No hazard is greater than the lake above them, with the everpresent threat that it will burst through the walls and ceiling and flash-flood the underground labyrinths of the Bagdihi coal mine. Safety standards certainly exist, but the distant Powers That Be are more than willing to shave a bit here and there in an effort to conserve costs and increase production. Near the Indian city of Dhanbad, engineers at Bagdihi - with the approval of their superiors - naturally saw fit to narrow the barriers that held back the waters in an effort to extract more coal. The result was a calamity that claimed thirty lives.
Secure The Playground

Tips for your kids playing especially when spring and summer is here, they want to play in the playground and wanna slide and swing. Before your kids slide down a slide or climb aboard a swing, follow this tips:
* Test to see whether play sets are safe and sturdy and make sure they do not have loose connections.
* Cover areas under and around play equipment with soft materials such as hardwood chips, mulch or pea gravel. Materials should be 9 to 12 inches deep and extend six feet from all sides of pay equipment.
* Use play equipment and accessories appropriate for your children's age. Children under age five should not play on anything above five feet high.
This is islam
He is Allah, the One and Only
Allah the Eternal, Allah the Absolute,
Allah the Most Lovin’, Allah the Most Merciful
Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Most Generous,
Allah the Oft-Forgivin’, Allah the Sustainer
Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth,
Allah the Almighty, Allah the Mighty Creator
Laillaha Illala, Laillaha Illala,
Laillaha Illala, Laillaha Illala...
He begets not nor is He Begotten...
And there is nothin’ Comparable to Him…He is Allah...
Giftin’ us with the Most Precious Gift,
Makin’ us Muslimeen…
Giftin’ us the Religion of Peace,
Islam…the Religion of Peace
Conveyin’ the True Message
To all Mankind in Every Nation
Sendin’ Down the Messengers in Succession...
From Prophet Adam (AS) to the Last Rasul Allah
Prophet Muhammed Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam…
With Glad Tidings and Warnings
To Save us from Destruction…
Revealin’ the Verses of the Glorious Quran
In the Month of Ramadan
From the First to the Last Verse,
Sendin’ Down the Quran,
Completin’ the Religion of Islam
Islam the Religion of Peace, Yeah…This Is Islam....
Islam is for Peace, the Religion of Peace
Makes Our Problems Vanish,
And Lets us Live Life at Ease
To Paradise, Salaah is the Key,
To Salaah, Purification is the Key
Repel an Evil Deed with a Good Deed
This Is Islam the Religion of Peace
Followin’ the True Guidelines,
The Glorious Quran-the Best for Mankind
Spendin’ not Daddy's Money in Evil Deeds
Spendin’ Most of the Pocket Money in Charity Secretly
Helpin’ the Famili, the Yatim,
The Miskin and those in Need
The warrior Miskin Fightin’ for Allah's Cause’,
Fastin’ durin’ the Day and Prayin’ all Night
All go Down in Prostration to Allah,
Treatin’ Mankind Equally
Strengthenin’ the Brothahood,
Implementin’ and Executin’ the Law of Equality
Seekin’ Help with Patience, Salaah and Determination
For Allah is with those who persevere Patiently
Seekin’ Forgiveness for the Major Sins committed,
Stayin’ Away from Ignorance, Showin’ Kindness,
Visitin’ the Sick, Feedin’ the Hungry
Get more Stronger not by Migthy Physique,
But by Controllin’ the Anger, Helpin’ the Oppressed,
Speakin’ the Word of Justice to the Oppresser
Fullfilin’ the Duty towards the Parents,
Duty towards the Wives,
Duty towards the Children, Duty towards the Poor
The Most Pious is the Most Noblest,
Remains Clean and Pure
Seekin’ and Spreadin’ Knowledge across the Globe
Educatin’ Young Muslimeen
Through Islamic Nasheeds and Raps
From the Newest Group of I-RAP to Islamic Nasheeds
And Rap of Native Deen n Isam Bachiri
Cause’ Young Muslimeen gets so bored
Listenin’ to the Long Lectures or the Stories...
Harmin’ not the Neighbours,
Harmin’ not the Unbelievers
Being Kind and Generous to the Guests
Invitin’ People to the Way of Allah
With Wisdom and Beautiful Preachin’
Arguin’ with them in Ways
That are the Best and Most Gracious
Allah is our Protector,
Leadin’ us from Darkness to Light
Emaan Fluctuatin’ in Sinusoidal Waveform,
Yet Feets are firmly attached to the Truth
Hold Fast to the Rope of Allah;
Do not be divided into Routes n Roots
Islam is for Peace, the Religion of Peace
Makes Our Problems Vanish,
And Lets us Live Life with Ease
To Paradise, Salaah is the Key,
To Salaah, Purification is the Key
Repel an Evil Deed with a Good Deed
This Is Islam the Religion of Peace
Huntin’ the Right Route, Findin’ how Many Roots,
Jus’ a Single Root, The Right Straight Route,
Ain't no Branches of Routes, Standin' only in Truth
Truth ain’t got no Multiple Truth
Islam the Religion of Peace is the Ultimate Truth
Takin’ a Short Cut Route, Getting’ into Many Routes,
Route to Roots, Confused between Routes n Roots
To Fulfill the Desires n Wishes to come true,
Get Trapped n Find so Many Routes n Roots
Scratchin’ their Heads so Hard, Frustrated n go Mad,
Only say "I dont know what to do"
Creatin’ Many Routes,
Associatin' Partners n Helpers with Almighty Allah
Dividin’ the Ummah, Into Many Roots of Divisions
Or Fake Innovated Groups
Fabricatin’ the Truth,
Inventin' Lies against Allah, Jumpin' into Falsehood
Routes, Roots, Bad or Good, False or Truth?
I dont know what to do?
So much of Misconception n Doubts,
Media Bombardin’ and Defamin’ the Name of Islam
Ppl wanna continue with the Falsehood,
All endin' up in the HellFire jus' like a Fool
Islam is the Route, One Mozlem is the Root,
And Almighty Allah is the Truth
Step into the Right Groove, Follow the Route,
Do no break the Root, and Trust the Perfect Truth
Laillaha Illala Muhammadur Rasul Allah
Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam
Laillaha Illala muhammadur Rasul Allah
Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam
Yo…Yeah…This Is Islam, the Religion of Peace,
With the simplest Deen
Do not defame this Religion,
Cause’ This Is Islam…The Purest Religion
Yeah…yeah…This Is Islam, the Religion of Peace.....
Am a Muslim and this is my Religion,
Islam-the Religion of Peace
He is Allah, the One and Only
Allah the Eternal, Allah the Absolute,
Allah the Most Lovin’, Allah the Most Merciful
Allah the Most Gracious, Allah the Most Generous,
Allah the Oft-Forgivin’, Allah the Sustainer
Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth,
Allah the Almighty, Allah the Mighty Creator
Laillaha Illala, Laillaha Illala,
Laillaha Illala, Laillaha Illala...
He begets not nor is He Begotten...
And there is nothin’ Comparable to Him…He is Allah...
Giftin’ us with the Most Precious Gift,
Makin’ us Muslimeen…
Giftin’ us the Religion of Peace,
Islam…the Religion of Peace
Conveyin’ the True Message
To all Mankind in Every Nation
Sendin’ Down the Messengers in Succession...
From Prophet Adam (AS) to the Last Rasul Allah
Prophet Muhammed Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam…
With Glad Tidings and Warnings
To Save us from Destruction…
Revealin’ the Verses of the Glorious Quran
In the Month of Ramadan
From the First to the Last Verse,
Sendin’ Down the Quran,
Completin’ the Religion of Islam
Islam the Religion of Peace, Yeah…This Is Islam....
Islam is for Peace, the Religion of Peace
Makes Our Problems Vanish,
And Lets us Live Life at Ease
To Paradise, Salaah is the Key,
To Salaah, Purification is the Key
Repel an Evil Deed with a Good Deed
This Is Islam the Religion of Peace
Followin’ the True Guidelines,
The Glorious Quran-the Best for Mankind
Spendin’ not Daddy's Money in Evil Deeds
Spendin’ Most of the Pocket Money in Charity Secretly
Helpin’ the Famili, the Yatim,
The Miskin and those in Need
The warrior Miskin Fightin’ for Allah's Cause’,
Fastin’ durin’ the Day and Prayin’ all Night
All go Down in Prostration to Allah,
Treatin’ Mankind Equally
Strengthenin’ the Brothahood,
Implementin’ and Executin’ the Law of Equality
Seekin’ Help with Patience, Salaah and Determination
For Allah is with those who persevere Patiently
Seekin’ Forgiveness for the Major Sins committed,
Stayin’ Away from Ignorance, Showin’ Kindness,
Visitin’ the Sick, Feedin’ the Hungry
Get more Stronger not by Migthy Physique,
But by Controllin’ the Anger, Helpin’ the Oppressed,
Speakin’ the Word of Justice to the Oppresser
Fullfilin’ the Duty towards the Parents,
Duty towards the Wives,
Duty towards the Children, Duty towards the Poor
The Most Pious is the Most Noblest,
Remains Clean and Pure
Seekin’ and Spreadin’ Knowledge across the Globe
Educatin’ Young Muslimeen
Through Islamic Nasheeds and Raps
From the Newest Group of I-RAP to Islamic Nasheeds
And Rap of Native Deen n Isam Bachiri
Cause’ Young Muslimeen gets so bored
Listenin’ to the Long Lectures or the Stories...
Harmin’ not the Neighbours,
Harmin’ not the Unbelievers
Being Kind and Generous to the Guests
Invitin’ People to the Way of Allah
With Wisdom and Beautiful Preachin’
Arguin’ with them in Ways
That are the Best and Most Gracious
Allah is our Protector,
Leadin’ us from Darkness to Light
Emaan Fluctuatin’ in Sinusoidal Waveform,
Yet Feets are firmly attached to the Truth
Hold Fast to the Rope of Allah;
Do not be divided into Routes n Roots
Islam is for Peace, the Religion of Peace
Makes Our Problems Vanish,
And Lets us Live Life with Ease
To Paradise, Salaah is the Key,
To Salaah, Purification is the Key
Repel an Evil Deed with a Good Deed
This Is Islam the Religion of Peace
Huntin’ the Right Route, Findin’ how Many Roots,
Jus’ a Single Root, The Right Straight Route,
Ain't no Branches of Routes, Standin' only in Truth
Truth ain’t got no Multiple Truth
Islam the Religion of Peace is the Ultimate Truth
Takin’ a Short Cut Route, Getting’ into Many Routes,
Route to Roots, Confused between Routes n Roots
To Fulfill the Desires n Wishes to come true,
Get Trapped n Find so Many Routes n Roots
Scratchin’ their Heads so Hard, Frustrated n go Mad,
Only say "I dont know what to do"
Creatin’ Many Routes,
Associatin' Partners n Helpers with Almighty Allah
Dividin’ the Ummah, Into Many Roots of Divisions
Or Fake Innovated Groups
Fabricatin’ the Truth,
Inventin' Lies against Allah, Jumpin' into Falsehood
Routes, Roots, Bad or Good, False or Truth?
I dont know what to do?
So much of Misconception n Doubts,
Media Bombardin’ and Defamin’ the Name of Islam
Ppl wanna continue with the Falsehood,
All endin' up in the HellFire jus' like a Fool
Islam is the Route, One Mozlem is the Root,
And Almighty Allah is the Truth
Step into the Right Groove, Follow the Route,
Do no break the Root, and Trust the Perfect Truth
Laillaha Illala Muhammadur Rasul Allah
Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam
Laillaha Illala muhammadur Rasul Allah
Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam
Yo…Yeah…This Is Islam, the Religion of Peace,
With the simplest Deen
Do not defame this Religion,
Cause’ This Is Islam…The Purest Religion
Yeah…yeah…This Is Islam, the Religion of Peace.....
Am a Muslim and this is my Religion,
Islam-the Religion of Peace
One of the most common problems we have in our society today is poverty. There are many places in this world where a lot of people suffer a lot and this is indeed a very big problem which every government should take into consideration and must be provided with enough attention. Having a decent life, that is having a shelter, food to eat, clothes to wear, and money to spend are all essential in every persons life. Unfortunately not everyone in this world is provided with those things. And I'm just so lucky that my parents have given me a good life to live.
If one person thinks broadly, he/she can see that poverty still persist from our system and it is really obvious that there are still unfortunate people suffering because of it. Some of the evident example of these is those homeless children and families as well as those parents that Free Christmas Music remain to be unemployed, and those victims of calamities which then took away everything they have. Sadly these people are not then able to attain a decent life that everyone was supposed to deserve.
The everyday news broadcasted on the television and radio makes us all aware that poverty is a continuous process and it is likely to be a never ending process. We should not actually blame this Free Christmas Music all to our government because they also need our help and cooperation to solve these kinds of problems.
Good thing there are car donations charitable institutions like that stood and served consistent in order to provide a continuous social service for those less fortunate. Together with their dedicated donors they continuously help those people that really need help. Anyone is very much welcome for a voluntary support for all the projects has. You can Free Christmas Music
actually choose to donate a car and such would be a very big help at that. Surely those people that would benefit from your goodness and kindness would highly appreciate it. The good thing about this is that part of the proceeds can get will be supported for kids programs where in they give away free children's DVDs for them to learn and get good values.
If one person thinks broadly, he/she can see that poverty still persist from our system and it is really obvious that there are still unfortunate people suffering because of it. Some of the evident example of these is those homeless children and families as well as those parents that Free Christmas Music remain to be unemployed, and those victims of calamities which then took away everything they have. Sadly these people are not then able to attain a decent life that everyone was supposed to deserve.
The everyday news broadcasted on the television and radio makes us all aware that poverty is a continuous process and it is likely to be a never ending process. We should not actually blame this Free Christmas Music all to our government because they also need our help and cooperation to solve these kinds of problems.
Good thing there are car donations charitable institutions like that stood and served consistent in order to provide a continuous social service for those less fortunate. Together with their dedicated donors they continuously help those people that really need help. Anyone is very much welcome for a voluntary support for all the projects has. You can Free Christmas Music
actually choose to donate a car and such would be a very big help at that. Surely those people that would benefit from your goodness and kindness would highly appreciate it. The good thing about this is that part of the proceeds can get will be supported for kids programs where in they give away free children's DVDs for them to learn and get good values.
DR Abdul kalam speech

Why is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why? We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat. We are the second largest producer of rice. Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.
Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.
Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours.
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke,
The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?
Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - YOURS. Give him a face - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai . YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah . YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650 ) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop,
'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand .
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?
Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar , had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure
in his bowels?
In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan . Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility. We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms
but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms. We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food andtoiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public. When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system?
What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a
majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out
to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape
the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.
Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a great
deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too.... I am echoing J. F.
Kennedy 's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians.....
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