Tuesday, October 7, 2008


A parent's illness usually ends up shattering the family's foundations."it's a confusing time for children.no matter how old are they are.A time like this can be painful for everyone ,but if you know what to expect and steel yourself to the situation ,you can get by this time with the mess.Try and look at it from your partner's point of view.with one partner ill.the other the other will be focusing on managing both the professional and/or the personal front.The sick parent is devoting his or her energies to get better.
Emotions like anger,fear and depression may often be rampant,and you might find yourself caught up in the cesspool.It's obvious that when the family momentum is thrown out of sync.you will be expected to deal with the things that you probably were never accustomed to dealing with in the first place.and doing those chores or errands and dealing with the pressure like this can have an effect on you too


1 comment:

JK said...

Touching story, I can tell you from my own life experiences... I was married almost 21 years was with her 25 years... I have two children 19, and 15... Seeing their mommy so sick all the timewas so hard on them they grew up so fast... My children did not really have a choice... The last ten years of my wifes life was simply living day to day and hoping and praying to make the next... My children never knew when it was goning to happen but the doctors kept reminding all of us... My wife lived at home My children and I took care of her ourselves... She never wanted put into a home or hospic... We all loved her so much and would have never done that to her... Her illness kept her in so much pain all the time... She had Chrons and it can become very nasty and painful... The last ten years we had to help her with the simplest day to day activities... We lost her September 2007... The only reason she held on for so long was all of the Love me and my children showed her everyday... The doctors never understood how she was surviving they said they never seem someone hold on to life the way she did... But let me tell you we have become a very close family because of it...