will u pls rewind...
rewind ma life..the dark past
the dark days..followin the dark ways..
slippin outta ma mind,committin great sins and countless crimes
steppin to a coffee pub or a toxic pub
lookin for a girl,to take her to a dance club
tastin or sippin a cup o glass of coffee,beer and wine
rulin' over the streets,showin off the mighty power of nothin but fake
oppressin the weak,challengin the strong,enjoyin the scenes,music and the game
ma life is a roller coaster ride,repairin and rebuildin ma tragic fate
eyes,ears and tongues filled with filth and lie,cause i was dumb,deaf and blind
there's no control,jus no control..totally outta control,am jus outta control...
ma skull is screamin',ma blood boilin,am teasin,abusin,mockin and always fightin
am so bad,am so mad,am the greatest fool,true loser..takin everythin cool
ma life is totally ruined,findin pieces,to fix it very soon
fooled in the name of love,betrayed and backstabbed by best of friends
people want me to change,to get a good name and stop with this satanic game
rollin up ma sleeves,yellin out loudly "gimme a break please" !!!
ma vision and mission is to remain the same,ma goal is to perfect ma game
am jus losin it out,no more hope at all,everybody jus foolin me
am alone,it so cold,am freezin and shiverin,cryin out loud..
am askin ppl to help me out,everybody's runnin away and backin off
its jus ma dark past,ma dark days...i wanna follow ma dark ways
i look up,i can see someone smilin at me,he wanna help me out...
i say quietly "thanks,but no thanks..this is ma life"
am a loser,true loser....wanna be the best of losers....
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah
almighty allah,the most high,the most exalted,the most beneficent
the most oft-forgiving,the most patient,the most merciful
the master creator,the master of the day of judgement
to whom everybody will return,resurrectin..comin back to life
givin us this beautiful life,with vision,mission,goal on our minds
watchin us from time to time,every second,minute and every hour
takin a note of our deeds so patiently,the deeds of the good and the bad
that we conceal,that we reveal,bestowin countless favours upon us
so everybody can survive,remindin us to keep worshippin him alone
people abusin,insultin the most patient almighty allah
makin fake or false claims "he's begotten a son or a daughter,
associatin partners,committin the blatant shirk
he aint tearin us apart or crushin our faces,
he aint makin us dumb,deaf and blind
but givin us the sweetest pain in this life,from diseases,tragedies to calamities
delayin the dreadful punishment for the next life,
makin us face the tests to realize
the biggest or the toughest tests,get it or lose it all
askin us to have faith and patience and to work hard
compensatin the LOSS to Lots Of SuccesS,the better or the best
tormentin the ignorant with sadness,no peace of mind and misfortunes
giftin the pious,the most righteous with high rewards
showers of blessings,happiness and golden fortune
truly to him belongs the heavens and the earth
and truly to him we shall return
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah
i was a loser,true loser,was spinnin the wheel,the wheel of darkpast
checkin how do i feel??ma mind completely filled with evil thoughts
i was gone astray,only painful and dreadful allah's wrath to face
plannin big time to take revenge on ma enemies and backstabbin best of friends
the most merciful almighty allah watchin me..plannin at the same time...
he is plannin and ruinin ma every evil plan,replacin it with the good
i had an intention to be good,indeed almighty allah made me good..
acceptin ma dua..even if i was an ignorant or bad
all of a sudden,there was a sea change in me..people were shocked to see
i realize,i aint a loser anymore,cause i belong to true deen
takin the sweet revenge on ma enemies and back stabbin best of friends
forgettin everythin,forgivin them,carin,lovin and helpin them
callin them ma brothers...cause now am a muslimeen.....
walkin towards almighty allah,he's runnin towards me
replacin evil thoughts,sealed heart and filthy tongue
giftin me with deepest knowledge,pious heart and truthful tongue
blessin me with high rewards,happiness,and peace of mind
almighty allah,the most high,the most exalted,the most beneficent
the most oft-forgiving,the most patient,the most merciful
the master creator,the master of the day of judgement
truly to him belongs the heavens and the earth
and truly to him we shall return
shiftin' the gears from 1 to 5,headin for the longest drive
takin an U-turn,takin a turn around
the longest drive of 5 pillars of islam
no reversin back,no switchin back,headin towards the true path
everythin is already planned by almighty allah
ya allah,ya allah,ya allah,ya allah