Today's men are not afraid to express their emotions openly anymore.And some tears are a sign of strength Men too choke up at sappy movies,hug their friends and grieve when a relation ship ends.No longer just a female emotion,men are not afraid to cry anymore and express their feelings in public
Remember how kapil dev cried in televison when he tried to prove himself innocent against charges of match-fixing or when cricketer,sreeshant was caught weeping after being slaped by harbhajan singh."men to have emotions,but we rae not emotional fools",we cry,but we don't howl we like exchang news about others,but we don't gossip.There is a difference.The image of a strong man who never cries and keps it al in bravely ,is becoming a thing of the past.it is considered a bigger sign of strength when a man is not afraid to cry feels ,And of course,it's not just grief that makes the eye of a man dew.Even when a proud father watches has kid win a prize,the tears just flow down.
Although men and women sigh ,cry rejoice,vent,shout and weep they express emotions live in the background of a manlife and the foreground of a woman.A breakup is as hard on a man as on a woman."When my relation ship with my girlfriend ended.I did cry my heart out.My friends told me how unmanly i was being,but i couldn't control my tears.
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