If you have always wanted to shed those extra pounds and have been putting off the thought of hitting a gym, then here is some good news. Experts believe summer is the best time to begin a weight loss plan for more reasons than one.
“During summer the body doest’t take long to warm up. As a result you tend to exercise at a higher intensity. This way you burn more calories, so weight loss is inevitable,” says Dinaz, fitness instructor.
The hot weather also plays a big role in initiating weight loss, says Amita Agnihotri, fitness expert. “You don’t feel like eating rich and heavy food in the hot months. There is also an urge to consume more juices, fruits and salads, which will keep your body cool. The calorie intake is less compared to winter.
As this is the time of the year, when one likes to get into trendy, skimpy clothes, the motivation to get a trimmer look is higher. “Most people want to feel comfortable and at the same time look good in revealing outfits. They set about to sweat it out with utter determination and it pays off. Summer is also good for practicing yoga as the body becomes conducive to different postures due to the heat. One doest’t get injured as the muscles are relaxed,” says Sharmila Hirendranath, yoga expert.
Youngsters have already begun with their fitness programmes with an aim to make the most of the sultry weather.
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