If a men boasts about his sexual prowess to his friends ,so does a woman,here are some few things and common mistakes in bedroom and well he may not be aware of it.
TOO EAGER TO UNDRESS:so she was looking absoluetly stunning in her low cut dress,but what is on your mind,why are you so eager to undress her and kill the moment.Take it slow for a change,restraining your hands on her dress,which will make her desire you even more.FOREPLAY:Yes,there have been times,when you both wouldn't care less and go into the business straight way.But if this is becoming a habit,it will soon seem like a chore to both of you.FOREPLAY will surely add spice to your steamy love life.IGNORING HER NEEDS:It cant always be you and you first,stop being selfish,your woman needs pampering too.she needs ,so why don't you gently ask her surprise her altogether.TRYING TOO MANY THINGS AT ONE TIME:Do not get over enthusiastic and try all the adventure tricks with her that you saw on televison or heared from a friend.A better way would be to voice your intentions to her before surprising her with a new more move and scaring the hell with out her.DON"T GO OFF TO SLEEP TOO SOON:Men will be men,but women are not men,They can' just switch off like men do after making out.Women like to be held,cajeled and talked to especially after a steamy session.Be a little more considerate and spend some time talking or sharing
1 comment:
well looks sure that you had some in experience in this department lol
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