New York….one of the biggest cities in the world….the business capital of the world…Every breath of the city, every heartbeat is filled with speed…people are always in a hurry here, in a hurry to leave home, In a hurry to reach the office, always in a hurry to be a step or two ahead of life. There is no place for anyone who can't cope here.
Miles away from India, this city is infested with Indians. In fact, they say every fourth face in New York is an Indian...
It's me, Manisha doing my high studies here…I also carry out my part time job in the evening. It was only a month passed I came here…The very moment I came here I was very happy to enter this new world…But as the day passed I started realizing my loneliness around me…I missed my parents, brother, relatives, friends, mothi (my sweet pet), neighbors, food, etc…
But the only thing that consoles me s the one and only friend I got here, Reshmi...unfortunate friend of mine. She s the one came with me here to join her higher studies…She s engaged and very much concerned about her fiancé… She used to be found hanging around with her mobile fone talking with her man… She had only a short time for me…
The work I got here made me forget all ma worries, since I was busy with ma studies and the work…I had no time to think anything else…I was occupied till my week end…It was during ma week ends I feel very sad, missing ma home…
This Saturday, I ve planned to go out for shopping …I got into the tram, sitting there , I was jus thinking about the most happiest days of mine…my home…Thinking that tears flowed out from my eyes with out my conscience…realizing myself getting out of control, I jus distracted myself with the things going around me…
I got a phone call…picked up ma fone and found only numbers being displayed in the id…that was also a number from New York…I picked up and gave it to ma ears…That voice told me that, he got a missed call from this number a minute ago…But am sure that I did not make any calls to anyone that time…he argued me…that irritated me a lot…I could realize that the voice is of an Indian…
Atlast he told me the truth that he was jus trying out some numbers randomly…I did not believe his words...Then he convinced me by telling his number…mine and his number had difference in only two digits…
Then this missed call became ma friend…He is Pavan, working here in a MNC…We planned to arrange for a meet…we have fixed it this Saturday…at LiverPool…in a restaurant…
I was dressed as usual and I went to Liverpool to meet Pavan…I waited there at the restaurant …A tall fair guy, with handsome look came in searching for some one...I guessed it was him, Pavan…Since he has described me how he ll look and the color of the dress in which he ll come. I jus waved ma hands to bring his attention towards me…once he got ma gesture, he approached me with a stylish walk and a mesmerizing smile in his face…He was smarter than what I had imagined…
It was a small talk and we decided to leave that day…he dropped me at ma house…he used to call me daily and we started speaking for hours...I forget time passing away whenever I talk to him…It was him who usually call me up…he has a nice voice that I used to admire quite often…but I failed to admit it open…
He often comes to ma house …He used to wait for me to pick me up from my classes…He is a person with caring nature, he consoles me whenever I get the feeling of ma home…I got ma happiness refilling around me…
The other day he called me up and told me that he wants to tell some thing to me…so he asked me to come to the place where we met at first…Liver Pool…But not to that restaurant…this time it was a sea side…I was dressed up in a saree to go for temple…I started to Liver Pool after going to temple.
I was baffled of what he was going to say…many thoughts were going in me…I reached there…This time it was him who was waiting for me…That was a nice place…many birds were found to be in groups, many in pairs…That was a nice scenery…
It was nearly ten to fifteen minutes we were found silent…Finally I started to break the silence…Pavan, wats the matter? wats the meaning in being silent…?Then he started talking…he was meaningless. He talked something …I knew it was not the exact thing he was coming to say…I jus stopped him…
He raised his head and looked at me straight. I was shocked to see his eyes filled with water…I kept my hands on his shoulders and asked him "what happened?"
He once again told me, "I wanna tell you something…"
Hmm…c'mon say me…wat ever you want to say…
He continued,"I've something on ma mind from sometime now. I don't know wats your opinion about that, but still I thought of putting forward my thoughts…"
The matter is...the matter is... "I....I..I like you and I can't live without you…I love you…this s the correct time to say you my love…since my parents are finding me a better-half…If I fail to say you now then I can't say for my entire life time…."he continued.
I asked him to jus stop teasing me…but he made me realize that he was serious…
I told him that I'm sorry and I can't enter into relationship right now…
Then we left each other to our houses…I felt hard to sleep that day…my thoughts were jus roaming around him…I dono what reply to give him…
It was two days passed after that…But no calls from Pavan, even no messages. Every time the fone rings, I jus rush up to take it…I could feel his absence…But my heart doesn't accept me to get into such relation…I couldn't find Pavan such upset…I like finding him with joy and happiness…finally I made up my mind and heart to fulfill the desires of Pavan…yes, m going to accept his proposal…
Finally I prepared myself to call him up…I used to dial him up and cut it…This s my twelfth time I dial him…this time I managed to talk to him…It was his office number…
I realized that, The voice at the other end was not of Pavans…I asked the person to connect it to Pavan…But he said he was in leave and did not come to the office from yesterday…
I couldn't catch him through his mobile fone, since, it was also switched off…then I managed to go to his house to meet him and tell my love for him…
I hired a cab and reached his house…I rang the door bell and waited to get opened…It was 5 mins after which the door opened…It was Pavan who opened the door…But he looked drowsy and found to lose his stamina…started to fall to the ground…I jus lifted him up and took him to his bed…He was running out temperature…
I took care of him and gave him first aid. Then I took him to the nearest hospital…Then I stayed with him that night due to his illness…He was also happy about my presence with him…
The next day he got his health better and I told him that its time for me to take a leave…He caught my hands and I turned to see him with lots of love for him…I lost myself in his eyes…I realized his love and I told him my love for him…
My mom called me and told me that they are looking for alliances for me…I dono how to tell my love to my parents…they sad that they've mailed me the bride's photo and his details…they also said that, he also resides in the same city where I live…and he s working for a MNC here…
Since I had no guts to tell my love through phone, I planned to mail them. When I opened ma mail box, I found the subject field of the mail they had sent…its here…
Sub: Pavan, working in MNC, NY.
My thoughts were dazzling for a moment…I opened the mail again…I was astonished to see that it was the photo of my man, Pavan…
I was in joy…I realized how lucky I am…and I rang up my mom and told my acceptance of this alliance…they were happy too…
Next day, I dressed up myself to tell him about our marriage…I went to his house and told him too..he was also very happy and we were both awaiting for that precious occasion of our life…
The next month we have our marriage on 16…that is September,16…we are going for our nation, India…now m going to meet ma parents, friends, relatives, my brother, moti, with my beloved Pavan…
My first invitation is for yu…..do attend ma marriage…:)!