God provided water to sustain life, most know that you can live for a lot longer without food than you can without water.
My general guideline for water intake is to drink approximately 1/2 your body weight IN OUNCES of water each day. So, if you weigh 150 lbs, you should drink 75 ounces of water each day...a little over 9 8oz. glasses of water. You can take into consideration the other things you drink, juices, etc., but remember that some things, like teas and coffee that contain caffeine act as diuretics and will push the water out of your body before it has time to assimilate, this is also true of Cranberry juice.
Water conservation is important everywhere, but in some areas more than others, thinking now of the desert regions out west and in the south central states. Others may want to conserve just to save on water bills. Take time to think about all of the appliances in your home that use water. For example, last year we needed a new washing machine, and a new toilet. We changed the washer to a front-loader and got a toilet that conserves water. But if you already have a toilet that is in good condition, but not one that conserves water, there are solutions, like conversion kits that can save you as much water as it takes to fill a large swimming pool each year.
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